Human Resources (HR) Documents

Documents related to employee management, including job descriptions, performance reviews, onboarding materials, and policies.


Crafted by our lovely community team

Job Aid

Job Aid

A comprehensive template for creating effective job aids to enhance employee performance and efficiency.

Job Application Tracker

Job Application Tracker

Stay organized and streamline your job search with this comprehensive Job Application Tracker template.

Job Description Template

Job Description Template

A comprehensive template for creating effective job descriptions, including best practices and examples.

Job Interview Questions

Job Interview Questions

A comprehensive template to help you prepare for job interviews with sample questions and answers.

New Hire Checklist

New Hire Checklist

A comprehensive checklist to ensure a smooth onboarding process for new employees.

Offer Letter Template

Offer Letter Template

A comprehensive template for creating professional offer letters for new hires, including all essential elements and best practices.

Patient Intake Form Template

Patient Intake Form Template

Streamline patient onboarding with this comprehensive Patient Intake Form Template, designed for various healthcare settings.

Payroll Template

Payroll Template

A comprehensive Payroll Template to streamline payroll processes, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.

Performance Review Template

Performance Review Template

A comprehensive template for conducting performance reviews, including sections for employee information, performance metrics, goals, and development plans.

Progress Notes Template

Progress Notes Template

A comprehensive template for documenting progress notes, suitable for various professional settings.

Team Roster

Team Roster

A comprehensive template for creating and managing team rosters, suitable for various industries.

Time Log

Time Log

A comprehensive Time Log template to help you track and manage your time efficiently.

Training and Competency Records

Training and Competency Records

A comprehensive template for maintaining employee training and competency records, ensuring compliance and skill verification.

Training Evaluation Template

Training Evaluation Template

A comprehensive template for evaluating training programs, gathering feedback, and identifying areas for improvement.

Training Plan Template

Training Plan Template

A comprehensive template to create effective training plans for various industries, enhancing skills and organizational success.

Training Schedule

Training Schedule

Create a comprehensive training schedule with clear objectives, detailed schedules, required materials, and evaluation methods.

Volunteer Agreement Template

Volunteer Agreement Template

A comprehensive template to formalize the relationship between organizations and volunteers, outlining roles, responsibilities, and expectations.

Weekly Review

Weekly Review

A comprehensive template for conducting weekly reviews, including sections for achievements, challenges, lessons learned, and goals.