Nonprofit Documents

Documents related to the operations of nonprofit organizations, including fundraising plans, grant applications, and impact reports.


Crafted by our lovely community team

Advocacy Plan Template

Advocacy Plan Template

A comprehensive template to guide you in creating an effective advocacy plan.

Donation Receipt Template

Donation Receipt Template

A comprehensive template for creating professional and compliant donation receipts for donors.

Fundraising Plan

Fundraising Plan

A comprehensive template to help organizations create effective fundraising plans.

Fundraising Plan Template

Fundraising Plan Template

A comprehensive template to plan and execute your fundraising activities effectively.

Grant Proposal

Grant Proposal

A comprehensive template to help you create a compelling grant proposal, including examples and sample content.

Volunteer Agreement Template

Volunteer Agreement Template

A comprehensive template to formalize the relationship between organizations and volunteers, outlining roles, responsibilities, and expectations.

Volunteer Roster

Volunteer Roster

A comprehensive template to manage and organize volunteers efficiently.

Volunteer Schedule

Volunteer Schedule

A comprehensive template to manage and coordinate volunteer schedules effectively.